Career Change Challenges: 6 Little-Known Obstacles Experts Won’t Tell You.

Struggling with career change challenges?

When considering a career change, there are setbacks that you need to consider. While a career change can be both exciting and daunting, pursuing a new passion or finding a more fulfilling job may be enticing.

But in our pursuit of making hard decisions like changing careers, some challenges makes it more difficult.

Yet, with the right mindset and strategies, you can overcome these obstacles and find success in your new career path.

So, in this article, we will learn some common career change challenges and how to conquer them.

Before we dig in to the matter, let me share to you first few reminders in changing career.

career change challenges
Photo by Mikael Blomkvist:

Identify Your Motivation for a Career Change.

In other article, how to change job quickly, it is crucial to determine the underlying reasons behind every decision.

By understanding your motivations like fulfilling your passion, you can establish clear objectives. Being aware of your motives provides you some commitment in achieving despite challenges.

Assess Your Skills and Identify Transferable Skills.

Another thing issue is how your current skills can be transferred to a new industry or role. Take the time to assess your skills and identify which ones are transferable.

What are transferable skills and how to identify these skills? If you have identified your transferable skills, this can help you fill the gaps in your skillset.

6 Common Obstacles in Changing Careers

  1. Building a New Network. If you are a newbie in the field, you may have hard time to overcome this challenge. Many established professionals have a strong network built over the years of experience. These networks are essential in reaching wider audience in your interest. Likely, you have few when starting it out. So, start time building your network while in your current job position.
  2. Learning New Skills. This might take time but its not the hardest career change challenges. When you switch to a new career, you may need to acquire new skills or knowledge to succeed in your new role. There are many online platforms that you can join to improve and acquire new skills.
  3. Accepting Lower Compensation. If you're switching to a new career, you may need to accept lower compensation than you're used to. Switching another career may incur learning how to switch careers and maintain salary. Maintaining your salary can be a significant career change challenge. This might be true to those who are earning as bread winner of the family. Make sure that upon venturing the average salary for your new career reflects your family budget.
  4. Establishing a New Professional Identity. Transitioning to another career is like starting from scratch. You need to start building your portfolio in you new chosen career path. While this can be a significant career change obstacle, you can overcome buy focusing on transferable skillset. Apply this skills to your new career.
  5. Fear of Uncertainty. In the article how to change jobs quickly, it is necessary to have a clear vision of your goals. Think of it. It is scary to switch to another career if you are not yet sure of what you want to become. The fear of uncertainty can be a significant career change obstacle. You may start wondering if your new chosen career path is the right decisions for you. If you experience uncertainty in career change, this is hard challenge that you need to overcome. That is why you need to go to a career change coach. If not, asked people who are in the field to learn from their experience.
  6. Lack of Direction. This career change challenge quite common to all. Sometimes people lack the direction. Some people need the guidance in launching new careers. When you switch to a new career, you may not know where to start or what steps to take to achieve your goals.

3 Questions Career Changers asked in changing careers.

career change challenges
Photo by Alex Green:

Is career changes a bad idea?

Answer: My direct answer is not at all. But changing careers entails challenges that you may not like it. Often there is a chance that you end up regretting doing so. That is why you need to clarify your career decision making to avoid regrets later.

How often should you change careers?

Answer: The answer is personal. It depends on you. There is no limit how often you should change careers. Sometimes the circumstances determines you career decision making. But you will need to consider the above career change challenges before you decide on new career.

Why is it so hard to change careers?

Answer: It can be difficult for several reasons. Again, you need to develop new network, new skills and additional portfolio. Another is you need to consider your income, and other disadvantages that may arise. Sometimes you will not know these unless you are in your new path. And it could be scary that things will not go according to your plan.

In this way, you need to make wise decisions.

Read this inspiring book on how to choose between two great things and have them both at the same time.

How to conquer career change challenges?

  1. Research: Before making a career change, research the new field thoroughly. This will help you understand the skills and experience required and determine if it's a good fit for you. Read how to change jobs quickly and learn the seven steps on successfully land on your new career.
  2. Networking: Building a new network is essential for career changers. Join conferences. Attend seminars hosted by professionals in your field. Connect with right people in linkedin.
  3. Transferable skills: Assess and identify your transferable skills. Some examples are clerikal skills, and negotiation skills. Make sure to include this in your resume and in interviews. These skills can help you stand out to potential employers.
  4. Education and training: Earn certifications in reputable organizations such as Google, Microsoft, Coursera and Edx. Allison courses offers free courses with certificates. Its ideal for newbies and career changers.
  5. Be open-minded. If you are just starting it out, don't be afraid to accept entry level positions. Everyone starts from entry level. Gain experience from entry level and accept challenges as a newbie.
  6. Persistence: The key to successfully change careers is to be motivated. Stay motivated and persistent, and don't give up on your goals. Whatever happens don't forget your goals. There is a need to write this down on a piece of paper and put it in your pocket. From time to time, read it to remind yourself.


There are many career change challenges that may arise as you embark on an exciting journey.

No matter how hard it is, don't forget how to overcome those challenges by going through each tips above. Be persistent. Be motivated and keep the faith.

As the bible puts it, submit all your plans to God and you will succeed.

God bless in your career change decision making.

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