Ignorance is a dangerous thing especially when you are dealing with an unseen enemy - Coronavirus. Panic has spread much faster than the virus itself and our people tend to do irrational behaviors during coronavirus pandemic.
Has Coronavirus scared you? Are your reactions towards COVID-19 right or utterly wrong?
How It All Started
Let me tell you a short background of what Coronavirus is. COVID-19 is said to have originated from eating wild animals that are sold in seafood markets in China illegally.
It was early this January 2020 that news spread rapidly online and on television about the cases of people who have succumbed to this virus. According to WHO, coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they are transmitted between animals and people.
Some scientists have suggested that it could be from bats and snakes; however, pointing the real cause to the snakes was also criticized by some experts. (
Some of these "signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties. In worse cases, this virus can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death."
As of the moment, there is no cure or vaccine for this virus, but scientists are already developing the vaccines and test kit for identifying who is infected with the COVID-19.
Right now, there are 153,648 confirmed cases, 5,746 deaths. Of these, China has the most notable instances in which Covid-19 began.

So how should one react to this epidemic? What is the positive and negative side of our reactions towards it? Be wise!
Here are my top 10 Irrational Behaviors during Coronavirus Pandemic that you should avoid.
1. I am going back to a healthy lifestyle.
What? What's wrong with going back to a healthy lifestyle?
Friends, this is not the time to do that, and I don't mean that you don't have to do it because you have to. A healthy lifestyle should be part of our daily routine (no wonder it's a lifestyle).
Getting in shape today is not too late, but maybe too late if you intend to fight Coronavirus. We should have first strengthened our immune system long before, not today. This is the time that our body is being tested if we can survive the challenge of nature.
I don't mean if you practice a healthy lifestyle today is useless, but there is no assurance that the virus will not infect you. It takes time to boost our immune system, not in minutes or days: common sense, bro.
The important thing here is to strengthen our immune system. Eat fruits and vegetables and avoid unhealthy lifestyles (e.g., overeating, working as if you are a machine, and drinking alcoholic beverages). Coronavirus cannot kill a person unless he/she is resistant and have a robust immune system.
2. Spraying your body with alcohol
Even if you take a bath with alcohol, this is not a guarantee to keep you away from the virus. It also poses the problem of wasting money on alcohol bath when all you need to do is wash your hands with it. You do not need to take a bath using alcohol.
Although prevention is better than cure, the thing with this is before the epidemic came out, probably not everybody is doing this. We forget the essential things in life in which we are reminded only when tragedies happened.
As funny as it may seem, it's thanks to coronavirus that the entire world right now is so concerned with washing their hands. Wash your hands even if there is no coronavirus.
Were you thinking of spraying alcohol in your body?
Spraying alcohol does not also kill the virus, which is already inside your body. It's one of those irrational behaviors during coronavirus pandemic that you should avoid.

3. Covering your mouth when sneezing, coughing, etc.
Similar to the first reason, covering your mouth is proper respiratory hygiene, and you should do it when you sneeze or cough. You don't have to be reminded with a COVID-19 to do this.
You see, simple things matter, and yet people forget. In order not to forget the simple things in life, we need to learn it the hard way (even if it costs people's lives).
4. Panic buying
Typical for people who are not ready to die.
Oops. That sounds crazy!
Well, panic buying is a sign of being afraid of the things that might happen in the future, which is uncertain. Suitable for those who can afford it! How about the less fortunate? So, it's a matter of who has the money, and so they will survive! They can afford to buy medication and hospitalization.
A joke that is revolving in the social media is while the rich are panic buying, the poor only have panic, no buying.
How about in other places where there is no luxury of medical kits, people are more vulnerable to such a virus. This situation has extended the nature of people where resources are a power like having money means having more opportunities to exploit other people to the extent of their own.
When a person is panic buying, he is not only overreacting but also depriving others of the things that could help them fight against Coronavirus.
The Bible writer puts it plainly, "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell." (Matthew 10:28).
Of course, no one would like to die this early. The archenemy creates all these problems since time immemorial – Satan.
He (Satan) will draw the people's attention away from the Creator. This is the reason why many are not prepared spiritually to face their Creator.
Besides, panic buying in order to hoard or stockpile goods during this crisis is not all good.
Here is a video that will tell you why.
5. Staying at home - Not Listening To This Advice
Should you stay at home while working? Reports in some countries where opportunities in working at home have increased after COVID-19 spreads like wildfire.
There are many advantages of staying at home in this perilous times. But I have listed here the important ones.
Advantages of staying at home
Opportunity to work online
Freelancers, this is our time to shine. Reports in some countries showed opportunities in working at home has increased after COVID-19 spreads like a wild fire. This is great opportunity to virtual assistants like me of course! It has also some positive impact in the environment where there is less travel, less carbon dioxide emission.
Strengthens family relationships
The Information Age has bridge the gap of long distance relationship. Nowadays, family’s abroad can communicate with their loved one at their home town. Meanwhile, at the onset of COVID-19, we have been informed to stay at home. This is an opportunity to be closer with family members, (not just of course relying on the technology such as Facebook or Messenger. There would be more time now to spent with loved ones.
Encourages children to learn basic life works
Because of staying at home in this period, parents can teach children the basics duties in life such as doing household chores like washing dishes, cooking simple foods, do gardening, etc. Seldom that children in this generation had an opportunity to do this because they are busy in online activities like playing online games.
Keep you away from the danger of getting infected
The only safest place in this world is at home. Of course, you need to do all the health protocols to keep away from the virus.
I have only one disadvantage of staying at home.
Unable to attend large gatherings such as church worship
This is a hard one. For instance, should you stay at home and not attend worship at church because of the pandemic?
This is a question of FAITH!
It all boils down to your faith. How we worship our Creator and how serious are we during worship. Remember that He is omnipresent. He is everywhere and what makes us connect to Him is only through prayer in faith.
Worshipping God and asking if our worship is acceptable or not according to place and time is not for us to settle. God knows how devoted and serious you are in your relationship with Him.
Staying at home because of COVID-19 to avoid contact with people who are infected may be a good decision, but hope it will not create a gap of our relationship towards others. Your life matters, your relationship and so your decision too.
Should you stay at home while working? Reports in some countries where opportunities in working at home have increased after COVID-19 spreads like wildfire.
This is an excellent opportunity for virtual assistants like freelancers and me out there, of course! It also has some positive impact on the environment where there is less travel, less carbon dioxide emission. But on the one side, less social interaction.
Social interaction is essential for human beings. It's what we are made of. To interact with others. But being scared over this COVID-19 and not attending social activities is a decision that each one of us has to make.
This is a hard one. For instance, should you stay at home and not attend worship at church because of the epidemic?
That's a question of FAITH!
It all boils down to your faith. How we worship our Creator and how serious we are during worship. Remember that He is omnipresent. He is everywhere, and what makes us connect to Him is only through prayer in faith.
Worshipping God and asking if our worship is acceptable or not according to place and time is not for us to settle. God knows how severe and devoted you are in your relationship with Him.
Staying at home because of COVID-19 to avoid contact with people who are infected may be the right decision, but I hope it will not create a gap in our relationship with others. Your life matters, your relationship, and so your choice too.
6. Self-medication
I once had this rare skin rash. Because of online reports, I decided to self-medicate. I bought stuff recommended for my skin rashes, but only to find out that my rashes are not the same as what I saw on the internet.
The medicine I bought only exacerbates my situation.
Then I consulted a dermatologist. Thank God, her medicine was so compelling, and in just three days, my rashes are gone.
Coronavirus has very similar symptoms to common colds and flu. If we self-medicate before going to the doctor for analysis, we put ourselves in peril. This is unacceptable and it's one of those irrational behaviors during coronavirus pandemic that all of us should avoid.
Reading fake news and sharing it is not advisable. Only ask experts.
Don’t be fooled by fake news spreading around the net like a virus. Many people are smitten by the home remedies like egg and banana. This has no scientific evidence, neither the coronavirus has a medicine.
Instead, strengthen your immune system by taking fruits and vegetables. Live a healthy lifestyle.
7. Lockdown - Pros and Cons
Oh.. I just first encountered the word. You might be confused about why I included this in the list of irrational behaviors during coronavirus pandemic.
As defined in Merriam-Webster, Lockdown is an emergency measure or condition in which people are temporarily prevented from entering or leaving a restricted area or building (such as a school) during a threat of danger.
From an environmental, economic point of view, if there is no entry from one place to another. Or put it this way, containment of a site from other people from entering it.
This would cause an economic effect. For instance, I live in a place where a bridge connects our islands. The famous San Juanico bridge. Just think of it that people from island one will not be allowed to travel or cross on isle 2.
That's money!
How about the economic activity of the people. The drivers of the buses and vans? The employees who are an island away from their family. Everything will cause a domino effect on our economic activity.
By locking down, people have to learn to survive on their own, with no import or export activity. If we define Lockdown in terms of the relationship between environment and economy, this perfectly describes what is known to be the first law of thermodynamics, which is a closed system.
"a closed system is one in which no inputs (energy or matter) are received from outside the system, and no outputs are transferred outside the system" (Tetienberg and Lewis, 2003)
Eventually, if this will persist, the economy will suffer. As described above, a closed system is similar to Lockdown. Neither material goods are created or destroyed, nor are people not allowed to enter or leave the restricted area.
Advantage of Lockdown
It will stop the virus from spreading to other areas.
The main advantage of lockdown is that it will stop the virus from spreading to other areas. This is why many countries and cities are implementing lockdown in their areas. However, if the situation will prolong. It has also a negative impact on the socio-economic activity of the people.
Environmental Recovery
Our Mother Earth is suffering since humans has started to mass produce goods for human consumption. Now is the time that Earth heals itself through this pandemic. It is not coincidence or planned action as what conspiracy theories would suggest. It is part of a Great Controversy that is happening since time immemorial.
Economic collapse
Eventually, if this situation will persist, the economy will suffer. As described above, a closed system is similar to Lockdown. Neither material goods are created or destroyed, nor are people not allowed to enter or leave the restricted area.
So, what now? The Lockdown of an area that has high cases of COVID-19 is the right decision. Only in the regions which have a high rate of incidents so that this will not spread in other areas. It affects the economy of the area and also the livelihood of the marginalized people who are dependent on only one source of income.
I don't mean that this Lockdown is utterly wrong, but those who are in authority have to carefully study the impacts of this on our people and economy.
Government subsidy would help to provide the majority of the poor people but until when this will be? The future is uncertain. Even COVID pandemic is uncertain and was not predicted to happen by many scientists.
Negative behaviors of people
Lockdown is not at all bad. It depends on how people react to such situations. Some people behave negatively on this issue.
Instead of helping themselves by staying at home and not roaming around, some undisciplined people are still in the roads mocking the government's response towards this coronavirus.
You can see netizens clamoring about the wrong reactions of these people towards lockdown. In the end, it's ourselves have to blame whatever things that may happen to us despite the government's effort to stop the pandemic.
No blame game this time. You are responsible for yourself. So, respect the government, respect yourself, do abide with the rules like lockdown.
This is serious!
The virus is not the enemy!
It’s ourselves! Our behavior towards the environment, towards other people and towards our Creator.
Self is the greatest enemy!
Eventually, if this will persist, the economy will suffer. As described above, a closed system is similar to Lockdown. Neither material goods are created or destroyed, nor are people not allowed to enter or leave the restricted area.
So, what now? The Lockdown of an area that has high cases of COVID-19 is the right decision. Only in the regions which have a high rate of incidents. But imposing Lockdown, which is no cases of COVID-19 and only hearsay is not also good.
First and foremost, it affects the economy of the area and also the livelihood of the marginalized people who are dependent on only one source of income.
I don't mean that this Lockdown is utterly wrong, but those who are in authority have to carefully study the impacts of this on our people and economy.
8. Taking a hot bath
As long as it is tolerable by your body. You can have a hot bath but not all the time.
Based on WHO taking a hot bath does not prevent the new coronavirus disease.
If you take a bath with hot water, you'll get burned. Again, a healthy lifestyle can help you out of the Coronavirus.
9. Eating Garlic
Why? I vomited when I was still a child, and my father forced me to eat garlic syrup to avoid being poisoned.
Now here comes the life long lesson—garlic against Coronavirus.
The truth is there is no scientific evidence that garlic can kill the virus. But despite this, garlic has lots of health benefits to us. For sure, not to kill Coronavirus.

Such irrational behaviors during coronavirus pandemic can affect you and your community.
10. Buying medicines for pneumonia
This is a no, no!
WHO advised that there is no vaccine yet for this virus, and it's also new. So, other vaccines for pneumonia cannot be used as a substitute for the cure of Coronavirus.
What are the best preventive measures against COVID 19?
Social Distancing
Why, oh, why?
Didn't you know that this is one of the social functions of human beings? The fact that COVID is already here does no shaking of hands, and hugging should be prohibited?
Many people are already practicing no shaking of hands, especially when there is public gathering. Are we safe if we do this?
Yes, it may prevent us from the virus!
Though social distancing may help, it does not automatically mean that you are safe.
By the way, do you know that there are four categories of social distance?
Social Distance, also known as social space, reflects how individuals are related to each other and even our social status in the society. The higher the social status, the more that they have a free distance, but this occurs in some specific situations and occasions.
The close distance a social distance from zero to 18 inches, only for people with close relationships.
Personal distance – 18 inches to 4 feet, a free distance for most friends, and informal interactions with acquaintances.
Social Distance - Happens when you are in a job interview or in a classroom setting that is about 4 feet to 12 feet, the distance for impersonal business relations such as job interview or class discussion
Public distance this kind of social space is usually 12 feet and above, and one example is during public gatherings like election campaign or one in which a speaker is a significant person or elite member of the society.
If we apply social distancing of 1 meter, this means that we are actually in a personal distance category, which only happens for people who are either acquainted personally or have informal relationships like having a casual conversation. For all we know, asking or having a conversation with a stranger usually is within 1 meter or less. This means that under this COVID 19 scare, our relationship will be affected even if we have no symptoms of COVID. Because even talking to our loved ones, we seemed to be a stranger to them.
How about elite people?
Some elite person has bodyguards, social distancing seems to have no problem. But, though, elite, these people have close friends and relatives and still can be affected by this COVID. In short, from all walks of life, COVID affects us.
If this is the case, we will be strangers in this world!
But is it essential?
Based on WHO, avoid and maintain at least 1 meter (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. Because if you are too close, you can breathe in the droplets, including the COVID-19 virus if the person coughing has the disease. This is only for those who have infected with the virus. Not intended for the people whom you know that has no contact with people who have COVID 19. Say like me who have a one-year-old, do I have to stay away from her all the time and maintain 1-meter distance?
How can this be?
I greeted an old brethren by shaking his hand in the church, which I perfectly know that he has no virus because he is just living a simple rustic country life away from crowded areas and eat living a healthy lifestyle and had no contact with people with COVID.
Again, this is only for those who are PUM or PUI or any person who is sneezing or coughing. Just a reminder to those who will sneeze or cough, please cover your mouth. This is again, basic hygiene!
If I am sick or have a fever, I do isolate myself from my daughter. The same thing with COVID, if we have signs and symptoms of it, it's alright to have social distancing with those people who will sneeze or cough or stay out of them or in crowded places.
But if you have no symptoms within your family circle.
Why bother this small stuff. Hug them.
When will this COVID subside, and how can we deal with it?
A friend of mine asked me, "What will be the future scenario of this COVID 19 and the people?" I said, "oh since this is already here, we just learn to adapt to it.
Just like with other viruses and illnesses in the past, we will have to learn to live with COVID.
In time, social media and its people will stop posting issues about COVID, but it doesn't mean it's over. COVID will be with us until the end. We just have to survive with it. So, today is the last day and it dangerous. No one is safe.
The only assurance is that we are in God's hands.
Is this part of a conspiracy theory or depopulation?
Hell no.
It is written.
How should you react then?
The reactions above are part of the government's directives to minimize the cases of COVID. However, these top 10 wrong reactions are written in a way not to panic and overreact to the issues.
Our reactions are driven by misinformation, overfed of information, gossip, and social media fake news.
The best remedy to this issue is to stop following misleading information.
The proper mindset is needed.
If you are infected or PUM, stay calm, and boost your immune system. Consider others also. Try to isolate yourself.
Be proactive.
Learn to practice proper hygiene, even without corona.
Good things about this COVID?
It taught people how to behave appropriately.
There are limits to our actions and reactions, and this is true to human and environmental relationships too. We have limited resources. The overspending and unsustainable consumption and production have paved for the deterioration of our Mother Earth. And the saying goes, Mother knows best.
My former professor always has his point across every conference presentation by opening this quote, "human beings have successfully destroyed the Earth." And now, its Mother Nature is trying to heal its own from the threat of the people.
Nature: The best laboratory
We have been warned:
"Gluttony and intemperance lie at the foundation of the great moral evil in our world. Satan is aware of this, and he is continually tempting men and women to indulge in the taste at the expense of health and even life itself. Eating, drinking, and dressing are made the aim of life with the world. Just such a state of things existed before the Flood. And this state of dissipation is one of the marked evidence of the soon close of this Earth's history.--Letter 34, 1875. {LDE 22.2} The picture which Inspiration has given of the antediluvian world represents too truly the condition to which modern society is fast hastening.--PP 102, (1890). {LDE 22.3} Last Day Events — Ellen G. White Writings.
We know that the Lord is coming very soon. The world is fast becoming as it was in the days of Noah. It is given over to selfish indulgence. Eating and drinking are carried to excess. Men are drinking the poisonous liquor that makes them mad.--Letter 308, 1907. {LDE 23.1} "Last Day Events - Signs of Christ's Soon Return.
As you can see, this perfectly fits our situation today.
The ignorant actions of the individuals who ate unclean and forbidden animals, as written in Leviticus 11 has a domino effect on the environment and economy, and health.
No wonder that the Creator sets guidelines in the Bible with no scientific evidence. This COVID 19 pandemic has affected the economy, environment, and society, which leads to a hiatus. What I mean is that the COVID has caused. A point where culture and economy have to pause for a while. So that Earth can recover from our destructible actions.
This is where systems thinking is needed in our everyday life.
Because we live in a systemic world where each of us is interrelated.
The good thing is, without COVID. People will not learn. So, it takes hard lessons for us to learn.
So, what’s the next big thing after COVID 19?
I'd like to quote these prophetic words, which is very relevant in these critical moments of our world history.
"Famines will increase. Pestilences will sweep away thousands. Dangers are all around us from the powers without and satanic workings within, but the restraining power of God is now exercised.--19MR 382, (1897). {Last Day Events 27.2}
I have been shown that the Spirit of the Lord is being withdrawn from the Earth. God's keeping power will soon be refused to all who continue to disregard His commandments. The reports of fraudulent transactions, murders, and crimes of every kind are coming to us daily. Iniquity is becoming so familiar a thing that it no longer shocks the senses as it once did.--Letter 258, 1907. {LDE 27.3}
As in the days of Noah, people are eating, marrying, and building. So as in these last days. The coming of the Lord is like a thief in the night; we do not know when he'll come, so let's watch and pray that we will not find wanting.
"In the last scenes of this Earth's history, war will rage. There will be pestilence, plague, and famine. The waters of the deep will overflow their boundaries. Property and life will be destroyed by fire and Flood. We should be preparing for the mansions that Christ has gone to prepare for them that love Him.--Mar 174 (1897). {Last Day Events 24.2}."
To those believers, this is just the beginning and the fulfillment of a prophecy. The days will be fast. Soon, this reaction to have a lockdown, social distancing like no more large gathering will impact even our faith. It will start from economic turmoil where there are financial recessions, and then the leaders will push for a move to have the policy to have a more practical trade. Because of these pestilences and tragedies, the higher authority in power right now will make a move to pass a law to hollow the Lord's day because this is the reason why humans are suffering right now. Calamities, pestilence, famines, earthquakes, etc.
Churchgoers are not allowed to worship and convene for a large gathering because this says the government to avoid cases of COVID.
If this comes to worse, there will be a universal law that will be implemented that all countries, each country will have to stand and survive on its own—no more import or export. And as you can see, some bills imprison people who violate this policy like the hoarding of goods such as alcohol.
Same as through with the public gatherings. There will come a time that those who will gather to worship their Creator will be put to death because of this violation.
When will these things be happening? Such irrational behaviors during coronavirus pandemic will put us in danger.
Sooner. No one knows the time.
Learn more of these lessons from this pandemic from a prophetic point of view here.
We are summing up our adverse reactions.
The truth of the matter is that we are in the last days. Our reactions to current issues affect our relationship with other people and our Creator. But whatever happens, let not anything hinder our relationship with the Savior. He is the only key to our distress today. No need to panic for all these things that are written and should happen. All we have to do is to have a proper mindset, live a healthy lifestyle, avoid spreading fake news and learn to study God's word for the assurance that He alone can end all our sufferings.
2 Replies to “10 Extremely Irrational Behaviors During Coronavirus Pandemic”
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